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A Study of Women Writers

As 2017 came to a close, I was depressed when I thought of my TBR list not really changing. Oops! Reading had sadly taken the back burner. Granted, I finally published New City, and that took a lot of time but reading brings me so much joy and inspiration as a writer. I love stories. I love connecting with characters. I love connecting to writers. I love how books feel in my hands and how pages feel when I turn them.

Like most of you, I have BIG plans for this year! At the beginning we all have big goals, big dreams, and loads of motivation. I've devised a plan to keep me on track with the goal to READ MORE. (First of all - Less Netflix! I mean really, how many times should a person watch every episode of The Office?)

This year I really want to dive into books again and get to know the authors that wrote them. I will be spending this year with female writers who inspire me because let's face it, women rule! I am so inspired by so many women.

This year I WILL read and I will study. At the beginning of each month I'll share the "Study" for that month. After that it's time to hit the books. I'll be reading, researching, and really studying their work, their words, their methods, and even a bit of their lives.

Visit my Study page to see who I announced as my January writer and please join me as I dive into the work and study the lives of some of the most incredible, inspiring women writers.



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