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January STUDY - Jane Austen

Drum roll....

January's study will be JANE AUSTEN. My heroine. Like any book-lover with a heart I have always loved Jane's work - I'm a sucker for romance. Her words are poetry. She's not only inspiring because of her writing but also her life story. During a recent trip to England I was able to visit the Jane Austen House Museum, walk the streets of Oxford, and see her final resting place (more about this in a future post). That incredible trip influenced this course of Study.

I'll be reporting on my blog and Instagram. Join me if you'd like!

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Women hold an incredible power. I think the pendulum is finally starting to (slowly) shift and swing our way and people are noticing. A handful of the women I chose to study this year wrote in secret, published under pseudonyms, etc. I'm eager to read and learn more from them and about them as they truly paved the way for the rest of us dreamers with stories swimming around in our heads.

Here's to 2018 - a year filled with beautiful, empowering stories and books that exist because of daring women.



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